An update from VSM AG about the COVID-19 virus

A VSM legújabb hírei a Covid19-járványról

Dear Customers, dear Business Partners, The Coronavirus is now posing enormous challenges to companies across the globe and requiring us to take wide-ranging measures to continue to ensure the security of our supply chains.

You know VSM AG to be a trusted and reliable partner. We have worked with our employees to identify solutions that safeguard our business capabilities to the greatest possible extent: even in these difficult times, we want to offer you our fullest support. You can continue to be assured of the following:

  • All deliveries can be made, and we are happy to handle your orders and enquiries as normal
  • We are currently experiencing no delivery bottlenecks and your orders can be delivered as placed
  • While your regional sales rep is not currently available for on-site visits, they look forward to receiving enquiries by phone or email
  • Our Customer Service employees can be reached Mondays to Fridays during our normal hours of business. You can phone our team on +49 511 3526 479 or mail them at

Despite all of the precautions we have taken to avoid any delivery bottlenecks, we are unable to generally guarantee our delivery reliability at this time. Any unforeseeable events occurring in the short term can of course lead to delays in the future.

We thank you for your patience and understanding. Please contact us if you have any questions about orders or delivery lead times.

Kind regards,

J. Henkel
Chief Sales and Marketing Officer

VSM · Vereinigte Schmirgel-
und Maschinen-Fabriken AG


Kérdése van vagy információra van szüksége a vállalatunkkal kapcsolatban? Kérjük, hívjon bennünket, vagy küldjön nekünk e-mailt.

Sarah Trzynka


P +49 511 3526 334

A VSM-ről

A VSM AG több mint 850 munkatárssal, leányvállalattal és értékesítési partnerrel rendelkezik 70 országban, és immár 160 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezik a csiszolóanyagok gyártásában, így a globális csiszolóanyag-piac egyik legismertebb vállalata. Fő szakterülete a flexibilis csiszolóanyagok gyártása. A VSM kifinomult csiszolóanyag-megoldásokat fejleszt a fémek megmunkálásához, amelyek az ipari felhasználók, a szakemberek és a szakkereskedők igényeire vannak szabva.

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